Medicine Team

Medicine Team

About Us

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This is the part of your brain that constitutes your memory. We created this blog to make memorization easier for you, by providing mnemonics, illustrations and many other creative things


1) ASK if you have any difficulty memorizing something
2) SHARE if you have something that can help your friends
3) E-MAIL US send it to us on
4) PERSONAL INFO. please write your name and year in your message, why?
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Faculty of Medicine. Medicine Team ... Powered by Blogger.
February 27, 2012

Causes of asterixis (flapping tremor)

' DRUGS (ABC) FAILED Helping Him '

- Alcohol
...- Barbiturate
- carbamazepine

- respiratory failure
- liver failure
- renal failure

Helping : [[[ H = HYPO ]]]
- hypoglycemia
- hypokalemia
- hypomagnesemia

Him : [[[ H = HEMORRHAGE ]]]
- intracerebral hemorrhage
- subarachinoid hemorrhage
- subdural hematoma


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